Wednesday, 25 July 2012

EPF: Worst group ever.

Message to all non-epf members:
Do not join EPF
It's boring
It's rubbish
The training takes about 20 minutes (no joke)
The base is tiny!
It's very unpopular
and always gets raided.

Most popular police group: CIA

When I entered CIA's base I was greeted with no welcome. The lower ranks seemed to be doing more work than the High Ranks because the High Ranks were just standing in the VIP area rating each other out of 10. The person at the desk who was serving me was called jade01TheGeek.


If it was my first time at CIA   I wouldn't have a clue what she is going on about because she wasn't very good at explaining things though I understood her. She explained stuff like 'join the group on heart it' and if I was new to Habbo I wouldn't have a clue what she was saying. Finally I entered CIA's Security System which was all right actually. I sat in the wrong chair because nobody told me which seat to sit in. When I was about the enter the training lobby the security workers were messing around with the gate and that was very annoying. I was sat in the training lobby all alone with nothing to do and nobody to talk too. Although it was pretty entertaining seeing recruits copying High Ranks mottos and just watching what happens! I was waiting there for about five minutes and still no trainer. After a long wait and for a experiment I decided I will just have to self promote and see if they spot me.

I got in, no fuss and no questions asked. The person who didn't really train me though I used his promo tag was called generalakmal98. He was in the base when I self promoted  so I tried to keep away from him.

     All together I recommend you join CIA and just skip training and use the motto [CIA] Agent I [GA98] and fyi the trainer is called general. Oh and by the way I got fired at the end of this for messing around LOL!

Bloody Boring Black Ops

My first group I will be reviewing is Black Ops. I joined Black Ops today and got fired today. Probably nearly every time you enter Black Ops HQ someone will get fired. The high ranks there are always rude and disrespectful to lower ranks and if you say something back to them then they will fire you and not even give you a second chance. There is a high rank there that every single low rank and most high ranks hate, her name is Han-May-Banned. She treats every member lower than her like a piece of dirt and never gives them a promotion just de-promotions or fired. She sees EVERYTHING that happens round the HQ some how. If you join Black Ops then keep away from her, though I highly recommend you don't join Black Ops. She thinks she is the boss. If you ask if she is the boss she just said's 'i dont want you here ure fired'.
So after the review of Black Ops I think you should...:
not join Black Ops you will hate it.

On the image above they didn't put Han-May-Banned on it so that proves that
everyone even High Ranks hate her.

and here is the evil Han-May-Banned
(not smiling as usual)

I hope this review was a wake up call to Black Ops
Oh yes and by the way Black Ops I don't really care if you kick me
every time I enter your base because it's not like I'm going to want a job there
after this!